Saturday, March 30, 2013

All Happiness...


My hope for you this Easter is love and happiness
 with your families, friends and loved ones!

I'm sorry for my absence lately, my computer and health have not been cooperative!  A new computer has been ordered and set to be delivered April 5th.  My health...that's a different story, but I see the Dr. on Tuesday, so hopefully that will be "fixed" as well.

                                          Love and Peace,


Lynda Bergman Decorative Artisan said...

Hoping your Easter is good and you feel well. Such a cute picture of the chicks in the hoopy.

Sherry @ Thrift My House said...

Hope you're feeling better soon. Have a wonderful Easter!

Cristina Garay said...

Hope you feel better soon, Pendra. Enjoy your Easter Sunday!

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